This document describes the current stable version of py-amqp (5.0). For development docs, go here.


Transport implementation.

class amqp.transport._AbstractTransport(host, connect_timeout=None, read_timeout=None, write_timeout=None, socket_settings=None, raise_on_initial_eintr=True, **kwargs)[source]

Common superclass for TCP and SSL transports.


host: str

Broker address in format HOSTNAME:PORT.

connect_timeout: int

Timeout of creating new connection.

read_timeout: int

sets SO_RCVTIMEO parameter of socket.

write_timeout: int

sets SO_SNDTIMEO parameter of socket.

socket_settings: dict

dictionary containing optname and optval passed to setsockopt(2).

raise_on_initial_eintr: bool

when True, socket.timeout is raised when exception is received during first read. See _read() for details.

read_frame(unpack=<built-in function unpack>)[source]

Parse AMQP frame.

Frame has following format:

0      1         3         7                   size+7      size+8
+------+---------+---------+   +-------------+   +-----------+
| type | channel |  size   |   |   payload   |   | frame-end |
+------+---------+---------+   +-------------+   +-----------+
 octet    short     long        'size' octets        octet
class amqp.transport.SSLTransport(host, connect_timeout=None, ssl=None, **kwargs)[source]

Transport that works over SSL.


host: str

Broker address in format HOSTNAME:PORT.

connect_timeout: int

Timeout of creating new connection.

ssl: bool|dict

parameters of TLS subsystem.
  • when ssl is not dictionary, defaults of TLS are used

  • otherwise:
    • if ssl dictionary contains context key, _wrap_context is used for wrapping socket. context is a dictionary passed to _wrap_context as context parameter. All others items from ssl argument are passed as sslopts.

    • if ssl dictionary does not contain context key, _wrap_socket_sni is used for wrapping socket. All items in ssl argument are passed to _wrap_socket_sni as parameters.


additional arguments of _AbstractTransport class

_wrap_context(sock, sslopts, check_hostname=None, **ctx_options)[source]

Wrap socket without SNI headers.


sock: socket.socket

Socket to be wrapped.

sslopts: dict


Whether to match the peer cert’s hostname. See ssl.SSLContext.check_hostname for details.


Parameters of ssl.create_default_context.

_wrap_socket_sni(sock, keyfile=None, certfile=None, server_side=False, cert_reqs=None, ca_certs=None, do_handshake_on_connect=False, suppress_ragged_eofs=True, server_hostname=None, ciphers=None, ssl_version=None)[source]

Socket wrap with SNI headers.

stdlib ssl.SSLContext.wrap_socket method augmented with support for setting the server_hostname field required for SNI hostname header.


sock: socket.socket

Socket to be wrapped.

keyfile: str

Path to the private key

certfile: str

Path to the certificate

server_side: bool

Identifies whether server-side or client-side behavior is desired from this socket. See wrap_socket for details.

cert_reqs: ssl.VerifyMode

When set to other than ssl.CERT_NONE, peers certificate is checked. Possible values are ssl.CERT_NONE, ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL and ssl.CERT_REQUIRED.

ca_certs: str

Path to “certification authority” (CA) certificates used to validate other peers’ certificates when cert_reqs is other than ssl.CERT_NONE.

do_handshake_on_connect: bool

Specifies whether to do the SSL handshake automatically. See wrap_socket for details.

suppress_ragged_eofs (bool):

See wrap_socket for details.

server_hostname: str

Specifies the hostname of the service which we are connecting to. See wrap_socket for details.

ciphers: str

Available ciphers for sockets created with this context. See ssl.SSLContext.set_ciphers


Protocol of the SSL Context. The value is one of ssl.PROTOCOL_* constants.

class amqp.transport.TCPTransport(host, connect_timeout=None, read_timeout=None, write_timeout=None, socket_settings=None, raise_on_initial_eintr=True, **kwargs)[source]

Transport that deals directly with TCP socket.

All parameters are _AbstractTransport class.

class amqp.transport.Transport(host, connect_timeout=None, ssl=False, **kwargs)[source]

Create transport.

Given a few parameters from the Connection constructor, select and create a subclass of _AbstractTransport.


host: str

Broker address in format HOSTNAME:PORT.

connect_timeout: int

Timeout of creating new connection.

ssl: bool|dict

If set, SSLTransport is used and ssl parameter is passed to it. Otherwise TCPTransport is used.


additional arguments of _AbstractTransport class