This document is for py-amqp's development version, which can be significantly different from previous releases. Get the stable docs here: 2.4.

Source code for amqp.exceptions

"""Exceptions used by amqp."""
# Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Barry Pederson <>

from struct import pack, unpack

__all__ = (
    'ConnectionError', 'ChannelError',
    'RecoverableConnectionError', 'IrrecoverableConnectionError',
    'RecoverableChannelError', 'IrrecoverableChannelError',
    'ConsumerCancelled', 'ContentTooLarge', 'NoConsumers',
    'ConnectionForced', 'InvalidPath', 'AccessRefused', 'NotFound',
    'ResourceLocked', 'PreconditionFailed', 'FrameError', 'FrameSyntaxError',
    'InvalidCommand', 'ChannelNotOpen', 'UnexpectedFrame', 'ResourceError',
    'NotAllowed', 'AMQPNotImplementedError', 'InternalError',

[docs]class AMQPDeprecationWarning(UserWarning): """Warning for deprecated things."""
[docs]class MessageNacked(Exception): """Message was nacked by broker."""
[docs]class AMQPError(Exception): """Base class for all AMQP exceptions.""" code = 0 def __init__(self, reply_text=None, method_sig=None, method_name=None, reply_code=None): self.message = reply_text self.reply_code = reply_code or self.code self.reply_text = reply_text self.method_sig = method_sig self.method_name = method_name or '' if method_sig and not self.method_name: self.method_name = METHOD_NAME_MAP.get(method_sig, '') Exception.__init__(self, reply_code, reply_text, method_sig, self.method_name) def __str__(self): if self.method: return '{0.method}: ({0.reply_code}) {0.reply_text}'.format(self) return self.reply_text or '<{}: unknown error>'.format( type(self).__name__ ) @property def method(self): return self.method_name or self.method_sig
[docs]class ConnectionError(AMQPError): """AMQP Connection Error."""
[docs]class ChannelError(AMQPError): """AMQP Channel Error."""
[docs]class RecoverableChannelError(ChannelError): """Exception class for recoverable channel errors."""
[docs]class IrrecoverableChannelError(ChannelError): """Exception class for irrecoverable channel errors."""
[docs]class RecoverableConnectionError(ConnectionError): """Exception class for recoverable connection errors."""
[docs]class IrrecoverableConnectionError(ConnectionError): """Exception class for irrecoverable connection errors."""
class Blocked(RecoverableConnectionError): """AMQP Connection Blocked Predicate."""
[docs]class ConsumerCancelled(RecoverableConnectionError): """AMQP Consumer Cancelled Predicate."""
[docs]class ContentTooLarge(RecoverableChannelError): """AMQP Content Too Large Error.""" code = 311
[docs]class NoConsumers(RecoverableChannelError): """AMQP No Consumers Error.""" code = 313
[docs]class ConnectionForced(RecoverableConnectionError): """AMQP Connection Forced Error.""" code = 320
[docs]class InvalidPath(IrrecoverableConnectionError): """AMQP Invalid Path Error.""" code = 402
[docs]class AccessRefused(IrrecoverableChannelError): """AMQP Access Refused Error.""" code = 403
[docs]class NotFound(IrrecoverableChannelError): """AMQP Not Found Error.""" code = 404
[docs]class ResourceLocked(RecoverableChannelError): """AMQP Resource Locked Error.""" code = 405
[docs]class PreconditionFailed(IrrecoverableChannelError): """AMQP Precondition Failed Error.""" code = 406
[docs]class FrameError(IrrecoverableConnectionError): """AMQP Frame Error.""" code = 501
[docs]class FrameSyntaxError(IrrecoverableConnectionError): """AMQP Frame Syntax Error.""" code = 502
[docs]class InvalidCommand(IrrecoverableConnectionError): """AMQP Invalid Command Error.""" code = 503
[docs]class ChannelNotOpen(IrrecoverableConnectionError): """AMQP Channel Not Open Error.""" code = 504
[docs]class UnexpectedFrame(IrrecoverableConnectionError): """AMQP Unexpected Frame.""" code = 505
[docs]class ResourceError(RecoverableConnectionError): """AMQP Resource Error.""" code = 506
[docs]class NotAllowed(IrrecoverableConnectionError): """AMQP Not Allowed Error.""" code = 530
[docs]class AMQPNotImplementedError(IrrecoverableConnectionError): """AMQP Not Implemented Error.""" code = 540
[docs]class InternalError(IrrecoverableConnectionError): """AMQP Internal Error.""" code = 541
ERROR_MAP = { 311: ContentTooLarge, 313: NoConsumers, 320: ConnectionForced, 402: InvalidPath, 403: AccessRefused, 404: NotFound, 405: ResourceLocked, 406: PreconditionFailed, 501: FrameError, 502: FrameSyntaxError, 503: InvalidCommand, 504: ChannelNotOpen, 505: UnexpectedFrame, 506: ResourceError, 530: NotAllowed, 540: AMQPNotImplementedError, 541: InternalError, } def error_for_code(code, text, method, default): try: return ERROR_MAP[code](text, method, reply_code=code) except KeyError: return default(text, method, reply_code=code) METHOD_NAME_MAP = { (10, 10): 'Connection.start', (10, 11): 'Connection.start_ok', (10, 20): '', (10, 21): 'Connection.secure_ok', (10, 30): 'Connection.tune', (10, 31): 'Connection.tune_ok', (10, 40): '', (10, 41): 'Connection.open_ok', (10, 50): 'Connection.close', (10, 51): 'Connection.close_ok', (20, 10): '', (20, 11): 'Channel.open_ok', (20, 20): 'Channel.flow', (20, 21): 'Channel.flow_ok', (20, 40): 'Channel.close', (20, 41): 'Channel.close_ok', (30, 10): 'Access.request', (30, 11): 'Access.request_ok', (40, 10): 'Exchange.declare', (40, 11): 'Exchange.declare_ok', (40, 20): 'Exchange.delete', (40, 21): 'Exchange.delete_ok', (40, 30): 'Exchange.bind', (40, 31): 'Exchange.bind_ok', (40, 40): 'Exchange.unbind', (40, 41): 'Exchange.unbind_ok', (50, 10): 'Queue.declare', (50, 11): 'Queue.declare_ok', (50, 20): 'Queue.bind', (50, 21): 'Queue.bind_ok', (50, 30): 'Queue.purge', (50, 31): 'Queue.purge_ok', (50, 40): 'Queue.delete', (50, 41): 'Queue.delete_ok', (50, 50): 'Queue.unbind', (50, 51): 'Queue.unbind_ok', (60, 10): 'Basic.qos', (60, 11): 'Basic.qos_ok', (60, 20): 'Basic.consume', (60, 21): 'Basic.consume_ok', (60, 30): 'Basic.cancel', (60, 31): 'Basic.cancel_ok', (60, 40): 'Basic.publish', (60, 50): 'Basic.return', (60, 60): 'Basic.deliver', (60, 70): 'Basic.get', (60, 71): 'Basic.get_ok', (60, 72): 'Basic.get_empty', (60, 80): 'Basic.ack', (60, 90): 'Basic.reject', (60, 100): 'Basic.recover_async', (60, 110): 'Basic.recover', (60, 111): 'Basic.recover_ok', (60, 120): 'Basic.nack', (90, 10): '', (90, 11): 'Tx.select_ok', (90, 20): 'Tx.commit', (90, 21): 'Tx.commit_ok', (90, 30): 'Tx.rollback', (90, 31): 'Tx.rollback_ok', (85, 10): '', (85, 11): 'Confirm.select_ok', } for _method_id, _method_name in list(METHOD_NAME_MAP.items()): METHOD_NAME_MAP[unpack('>I', pack('>HH', *_method_id))[0]] = \ _method_name